On the Prayer Session Sunday night, it sounded like Dr Carrie is becoming interested in identity and usage of nomenclature in court. I have been around the block quite a few rounds (insanity is to repeat failures). There are stories about success stories but very few verified transcripts, but when the rubber meets the road - a lot of old fashioned road rash.
That goes for the Right to Travel too.
Identity is very important. Especially the Identities LORD and God (KJV 1611). This identification is crucial to operating as His trustee, in power of attorney:
This book was well worth the $80 price tag.
And it really deserves some careful contemplation - Are you authorized to speak in His Name? If not you interlope and trespass.
In fact my Lesson Plan is:
true identity
record forming - Refusal for Cause
redeeming lawful money
It is only from a correct identification of God that one derives any authority in the world.
Dr Carrie mentioned that a person is defined as a banker? Quite true. More accurately, the law is written for the individual. A person is individuated and can be considered isolated. Actually killing the people in Deuteronomy would be harsh. Therefore it is considered outlawry - where they are no longer considered part of the tribe. Witnesseth LORD YHVH separated, individuated Himself from the Collective of Creator Gods - the ELOHIM.
B y His megalomania, "I am the God above all other Gods." He declared His own outlawry:
OUTLAW, Engl. law. One who is put out of the protection or aid of the law. 22 Vin. Ab. 316; 1 Phil. Ev. Index, h. t.; Bac. Ab. Outlawry; 2 Sell. Pr. 277; Doct. Pl. 331; 3 Bl. Com. 283, 4. OUTLAWRY, Engl. law. The act of being put out of the protection of the law by process regularly sued out against a person who is in contempt in refusing to become amenable to the court having jurisdiction. The proceedings themselves are also called the outlawry.
2. Outlawry may take place in criminal or in civil cases. 3 Bl. Com. 283; Co. Litt. 128; 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 4196.
3. In the United States, outlawry in civil cases is unknown, and if there are any cases of outlawry in criminal cases they are very rare. Dane’s Ab. eh. 193, a, 34. Vide Bac. Ab. Abatement, B; Id. h. t.; Gilb. Hist. C. P. 196, 197; 2 Virg. Cas. 244; 2 Dal. 92. OUTRAGE. (Bouvier's 1856 Law Dictionary)
This is what I mean by know God before you attempt redemption. Understand the distinction between ADONAI and YHVH, God and LORD respectively. Most contradictions that make God look like a schizophrenic will resolve for you. The storm god YHVH lied to Eve, telling her that if she partook of monatomic gold (APPLE) she would die. Instead the substance delivered her and Adam the kundalini breakthrough ascension. They both became "as gods like Us". LORD opposed this enlightenment for the new servant class while God (the Serpent = Sons of Cain/Sons of God) was all for it.
When you identify yourself to a police officer at a traffic stop, with a government issued ID then you are unequivocally identifying yourself as (if) a person. Of course you are a living and breathing man or woman, but just look at the card - LAST, FIRST M. That is who you go on the record being = an artificial entity. The living man or woman is identified in and at law to be the trustee operating that entity in trust; simply reflected as operating the motor vehicle.
Or turn it around:
Those who rule nations and governments exercising sovereign authority just may be your servants or trustees if you have sufficient knowledge and understanding.
See the Resident Minister treatise below.
The only way to win is to get off the battlefield. Remedy from central banking is written at Title 12 USC §411. Look for yourself: https://uscode.house.gov
See how Congress, laden with attorneys used a pronoun? They? Who are they? The Redeemed. People can be redeemed from the rigors of central banking. Debt has no substance or value to become the basis of currency, yet the entire world revolves around debt?
Getting to the bottom of this interplay and juxtaposition has tremendous advantage when it comes to a full refund of withholdings. And you should get started before January 1 or you will be waiting until 2025 to file for 2024 because expecting the IRS to calculate a partial year's redemption is futile.
Studying trust is also essential. See how you become the Trustee for settling any liabilities accrued by the Operator?
In Colorado, like many states you buy the Driver License, not at the Driver License Store but at the Department of Revenue.
Now do you see how the Resident becomes the bank teller like the federal judge changing the oath of office to "SO HELP ME GOD"?
See how Timothy BURGESS redacted his own signature from his oath before he would allow it to be published on PACER?
This is very revealing if you can study out the Freemasonry and George WASHINGTON.
If you want to save a lot of hard lessons I have learned the hard way, then anytime somebody presents you a treatise about this search it for "Title 12 USC 411". If there are no hits move on.
A resident does not live here. Or abide here. See above, revisit the BURGESS oath of office. The bank tellers setting at the federal bench (judges) Abide. They are not residents. See NOKRIY from NAKAR at Deuteronomy 15:1-3 and 23:20 about the foreigner and stranger. Interest cannot be charged among the tribes of Israel, but it is fair trade to charge the foreigner and stranger. So if you are the Bride to Jesus, why alienate your birthright?
Remember the First Cain (King) Saul. He decided to kill the truly anointed Cain, David. David ran for the monatomic gold (SHEWBREAD) to feed his soldiers on the Priests' manna - frankincense, myrrh and gold.
Laity might better comprehend another angle on central banking remedy. Notice that the 1984 ideas were unrealistic since in nearly twenty years the Fed is unaltered. But that paper led me to Title 12 USC §411 and that opened several other doors to understanding that the "New Deal" trust was and has been voluntary all along. Especially with War Powers and HJR-192 both revoked by Congress.
Some like me, try arguing the State Citizen v. US citizen deal. That all went out with the Civil War. This is collaborated by the Original 13th Amendment.
The deviant oaths are a liability dodge. The judges are the real trustees, including the district attorney. They are also responsible for their motor vehicle, which is owned by the State, by the way. But they deliver a sense of ownership by these mechanisms of law and convey the ownership rights to you by privilege (privy legis - is private law).
There is a truckload of interesting history to learn here - especially about Colorado as a War Chest (gold fields) for Abe in 1861. Too much to cover here. Don't let me discourage you. If you look around for the Original 13th Amendment you will see how the altered history has this Amendment defeated in 1818, not 1868. Interesting! It was mind-boggling for me when I saw it decades ago that history can be altered like that.
If I am giving you a headache then just keep your eyes peeled for the remedy Congress issued you at Title 12 USC §411. Become the Redeemed you are intended to be by your Messiah Jesus CHRIST.
P.S. This might breakthrough your understanding. This is a response on the brain trust, and a case demonstrating.
Hi Mark,
There is no law requiring the payment of income tax. But there does not need to be a law in order to require payment of income tax. What exists is a Trust. And what is going on is quite simple when one can see the trust. We are in possession of FRN's and that is not supposed to happen. FRNs are to be used INTERNALLY between banks by the Trustees in the Inner Court. As such, being in possession, in the Outer Court, one is holding the trust RES and that makes said one a Trustee in Tort; and, specifically, a trustee de son tort. Thus the capitalized NAME which is a debtor and thusly a voluntary slave.
This is like the stapled ear in the Bible.
You deserve more clarification from the brain trust.
This is FDR's account - The Public Papers and Addresses, 1933 - of the formation of the trust. It was not called the New Deal until 1938.
In order for you to move behind the teller counter and become a member state bank, the President (Executive King) had to lower the standard to simple endorsement of the private credit of the Fed. This was done so that when you endorse your paycheck you consent to being a trustee.
When you endorse your paycheck or fail to make demand on electronic deposit then you conjoin yourself to the notion that debt has substance or value to drive currency - the national debt.
Jumping to the end of the brain trust broadcast:
A trust is UNDER LAW. There is no-thing new under the sun. And LAW is in the hands of the King [President of the United States of America]. And the King is the titular head of all estates within the realm.
Don't ask me for a remedy. I have my own ideas that I will be exercising to obtain to HJR 192. Of course, whoever claims trust must prove trust. Burden of Proof is key. So why act like a trustee? My answer is simple: "it's all I've ever known." Simply put FRNs are NOT MONEY. They are private chits being passed around by CONSTRUCTIVE TRUSTEES - a slave plantation - to be sure. What genius to enslave all of humanity in a net they can't see, touch, smell, hear or taste. A prison for the mind. Whereupon, we ourselves are the warden!
Best regards,
By compiling hundreds of people who are redeemed, I have constructed a coherent entanglement of freedom. Redemption.
Here is the mechanism by which FDR lowered the entry standards. In national bankruptcy:
That is all it takes. If you sign a naked contract you are assumed to be "in". This is what Dr Carrie most likely means if you are a "person" then you are a "bank". You actually become a banker by endorsing private credit from the Fed.