Farmer to Tucker Carlson Are Americans ready for their grocery bill to possibly go up a $1000 dollars a month? Tucker Carlson was caught off guard and had to make sure what he heard was correct. American farmers indeed are feeling the pinch right now, but yet it is set to get much worse, especially if more countries follow Hungary's lead. Food Protectionism Is Spreading as Hungary Bans Grain Exports Governments around the world are taking steps to safeguard domestic food supplies after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine roiled trade and sent prices of key staples soaring. Protectionist Measures -- which already picked up in recent years as the Covid-19 pandemic sparked worries about local supplies and high prices -- could spell more bad news for global food trade. Hungary, the country having sold about 127,000 tons of soft-wheat abroad so far this season, is banning grain exports, its agriculture minister told television channel RTL on Friday. Argentina and Turkey also made moves this week to increase their control over local products. Please let everyone keep an eye on this type of news over the next few weeks, as more countries might start announcing that they are not going to export any of their grains going forward. If and or when this happens, countless countries around the world are going to be in a very dire situation. Putin’s energy shock is Becoming a world food crisis. Brace for Rationing The world faces what amounts to a commodity “black swan” across the gamut of primary resources. Oil, gas, coal and the “ags” are all spiralling higher together, with metals catching up fast. Natasha Kaneva, from JP Morgan, said inventories of tradable commodities are critically low and the world is running out of safety buffers. This is a recipe for “non-linear price increases”, she said. The whole production chain for food is under pressure from every side,” said Abdolreza Abbassian, the ex-head of agro-markets at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation. “I have never seen anything like it in 30 years and I fear that prices are going to go much higher in the 2022-2023 season. Energy and farm commodities are interlinked. Natural gas is a feedstock for fertilizer production in Europe, and lest we forget, Russia and Belarus together account for a third of the world’s exports of potash. Roughly a third of world exports of barley come from Russia and Ukraine combined, 29 per cent of wheat, 19 per cent of maize, as well as 80 per cent of sunflower oil. It simply cannot be understated at how significant these percentages really are when it comes to a global population. The Farmer who speaks to Tucker mentions Potash, how much he needs per acre, and he has 16,000 of them. Soaring Wheat Prices Leave These Countries Susceptible To Uprisings If uprisings begin happening in the 10 countries listed in the article, then other countries most definitely will begin making moves to keep all their grains in house, not wanting the same uprisings to occur in their own countries. While many are now complaining about how much groceries have become, few understand just how much price increases have changed in just a years time. Food prices jump 20.7% yr/yr to hit record high in Feb, U.N. agency says World food prices hit a record high in February, led by a surge in vegetable oils and dairy products, to post a 20.7% increase year-on-year, the U.N. food agency said on Friday. And yet prices are set to continue to rise in 2022, and by the looks of things, well beyond. Ice Age Farmer has put a new video, and in it, he shares how the German government seems to want a food crises.
"Brace for Rationing" - Food Crisis Escalates - EU farmers furious The German government actually blocks land that could be planted upon, setting off the farmers. Where now is the ruler of this world taking humanity when it comes their food consumption? Bugs Are Safe for Humans to Eat, Says EU The writing is on the wall now, concerning future food prices and the coming scarceness of variety available, so for those individuals who can do so, get your goods now. What is happening is a mirroring of the Black Horse mentioned in scripture about to take a ride. Of course Gas prices are rising in unison with the food, the little guy thus keeps getting crushed. There most definitely has been some earth shaking news concerning the Gene Therapy Jab, as the list of Side Effects from just the Pfizer Jab stands at a whopping 1291. Pfizer Drops Deadly Side Effects Document Bomb On Vaccine Consumers The country of Israel seems to be feeling the brunt of these effects. More Than 66% of “Fully Vaccinated” Israelis Now Suffering Adverse Reactions To The “Vaccines” Some are quite angered at what is now coming to light. "This Is Scientific Fraud" | Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough Condemn the CDC A new study is out, revealing what the mRNA does to the human liver cells. Bombshell Study — Pfizer Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA… Shocking study finds covid vaccines REWRITE your DNA… criminal CDC proven to have repeatedly LIED about this very issue Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Integrates Into Your DNA The real question is, are the people who took the jabs still to be considered humans, and or are they now a new species, as a Military Lawyer says? Todd Callender: Genetic-altering Vaccines Could Nullify Human Rights More is going to come out, everything will be exposed in the end. Judge Unseals 400 Pages of Evidence, Clears Way for Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit And yet what are the chances below? DNA found in coronavirus was patented by Moderna 3 years before the pandemic
There is so much more that could be shared with those on this forum, but to end this message a video and a last article will be shared for those who have made it down this far.
Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? Please pay attention to what doctor Yuval Noah, the man who shared that the technology to Hack Humans already exist, what he says about what will be said in a 100 years from now, that the Covid pandemic was the beginning of when a New Regime of Surveillance began, especially Surveillance Under The Skin. Did something specific happen in 2021 that increased the surveillance under the human skin? How much of the world population is said to have taken the Gene Therapy Jab? Report states only half of world's population has received Covid-19 vaccines
Peace to All