If you are not seeing the most recent updates to a page, please try using an incognito browser, or private browser and try again. We make constant changes, so if you have an open browser, it may cache the last session you had and not show the new content. You may also clear the cache or try a fresh first session on a different browser, but it must be fresh.
Some examples are below. Each browser will have this option in the top right
Brave incognito
Firefox private window
If you are not receiving emails, you may need to make sure that you have the following whitelisted with your email provider. To verify this, you must contact your email provider directly vi their customer service chanels (chat, email, helpdesk ticket...etc)
Another reason for not receiving emails may be due to a full inbox, or a mistyped email when the account was created.
Membership cancelation: May occur if your card on file expires. Please check your card on file.
Please feel free to contact info@carriemadej.com for further help.