In a conversation with the Christ, the disciples were told about a very specific group of people, a people who probably actually thought that they Knew The Christ, when unfortunately the reality was, they really only Knew of a Christ.
Many individuals today, especially in America, they will Use the Word of God in their life at times, and when they do this, amazing things most certainly can then manifest for them, this just how much Power the Word of God actually has When It Is Used, and yet these amazing manifested things that these particular individuals do Witness, believe it or not, they Can Actually Lead To the Actual Deception of the individual, and any others who may then follow after them as well. "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied In Thy Name? and In Thy Name have cast out devils? and In Thy Name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I Never Knew You: depart from me, ye That Work Iniquity." Matthew 7:21-23 Much could be taught from these verses, but the focus today is going to be on the fact that these particular individuals were Using The Word of God, the actual meaning of In the Name (Revelation 19:13), to bring about all of these amazing things that they were now being witnessed, thus they probably all thought within themselves, say because of what they were Witnessing, that they also Knew The Christ? These individuals unfortunately though, only knew the Power of the Word of God, thus meaning they knew what could happen if it was used, they Witnessed It, say witnessed what could happen if the Christ were present, say in their midst, Christ and the Word of God Being One And The Same, but yet they did not actually Know The Christ Personally. Say know personally the Christ who was actually performing all of the amazing things that they were witnessing, the same Christ that will say to them in the end though, I Never Knew You. But knowing this now, think of all of the individuals who would have stood by and listened to and or actually witnessed what these particular individuals were accomplishing by Using The Word of God, in other words, all of these others who stood by probably actually thought to themselves, after seeing these amazing things take place, that these particular individuals that were Using The Word of God to perform them, that they then must Know God, and thus those standing by would then Begin Following Them, to only then get entangled in the Very Same Kind Of Deception themselves, thinking somehow that they too have come to Know The Christ. If the individuals Using the Word of God to perform all of these amazing things heard from the Christ, I Never Knew You, then most assuredly anyone who would end up following these same individuals, then they too would end up one day hearing the same words from the Christ, I Never Knew You. Believe it or not, the vast majority of the Christian preachers in America today, some even performing some amazing things Using The Word of God, the Christ actually did Warn the disciples about them, how they would lead many into Deception, most assuredly all because they themselves were Dwelling Within the Deception Too. "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and Shall Shew Great Signs and Wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24 These false Christ and false apostles, who shall do many wonderful things, using the Word of God, these individuals most certainly will have many followers, and yet sadly, all of them will actually be Lying to Themselves, telling themselves and others that they do Know the Christ, when the reality is, they really only know of a Christ, and what can happen if the Christ is present. For example, let readers think now of a party where there is a group of individuals attending, and the atmosphere in the room is a particular way, but then Someone Special walks into the party, and everyone at the party then Witnesses how the atmosphere in the room changes immediately, and yet when it comes down to it, none in the group who witnessed the changes, actually knows the Special Someone on a Personal Level, the person who actually performed the atmospheric change, they only know of them. For an individual to Not Be a Liar To Themselves, thinking somehow, telling themselves, and others, that they Do Know The Christ, when the fact is that they do not, all they really know is what can happen if the Christ is present, an individual must Examine Themselves, to see if they are In The Faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), and they must Test The Spirits (1 John 4:1), and no doubt this means not only their own spirit, but yet they must Test the Spirit of Others as well. Of course something very specific will be getting Established by the individuals who are truly In The Faith. Romans 3:31 The Christ speaking now to the Church of Ephesus, "I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast Tried Them which Say they are apostles, and are not, and Hast Found Them Liars:" Revelation 2:2 Now these particular individuals who said that they were apostles, these are probably the very same peoples as the people who were Witnessing all of the amazing things performed when Using The Word of God, more than likely now having convinced themselves, because of what they witnessed, that they then were apostles of the Christ, in fact what they witnessed in their own minds, it would of gave them a sense of authority to say to others that they actually Knew the Christ. So the people being discussed in Matthew 7, and the people getting Tested in Revelation 2, are basically one and the same peoples, Liars, not only do they Lie to Themselves, but most assuredly they will at the same time Lie to Others as well. Granted now, many of these individuals are mostly not purposely leading themselves and others astray, it is just they are all dwelling in Deception, the very Type of Deception that Christ Warned About, the type that will make an individual hear from the Christ in the end, I Never Knew You. There are at this time, Hundreds of Thousands of individuals in America who stand in the pulpits each week, and they stand before Millions, and yet, how many of these Millions, have actually Tested The Spirit of the individuals standing in the pulpit? The congregation at the Church of Ephesus had no problem Testing The Spirit of those who would profess themselves to be an apostle. say a preacher, a pastor, so why doesn't the Millions who sit in the pews each week, perform the same command that they did, as if they did, the Millions might just find out that the pulpits in America are now all filled with Liars. The Good News is that an individual can indeed Know the Christ, and they can also know If Others Know the Christ as well, and not just know of a Christ, as something very specific will be happening, something so specific in these individuals lives that it will be contradicting what modern day American Christian preachers and their flocks practice themselves. "And Hereby We Do Know that We Know Him, If We Keep His Commandments. He that saith, I Know Him, and Keepeth Not His Commandments, Is A Liar, and the Truth is not in him." 1 John 2:3-4 So the individuals that were Witnessing all of these wonderful things Using the Word of God, in Matthew 7, and the individuals professing themselves as being apostles, but yet were found to be Liars, in Revelation 2, they both indeed had one profound thing in common, They Did Not Know The Christ, and it was because They Did Not Keep The Commandments. So now can an individual Use The Word of God, and then Witness the actual Power that it has to perform wonderful things, why yes indeed they can, does it mean that the people Using the Word of God, and then Witnessing the wonderful things that the Word of God is manifesting, does it actually mean that these same individuals actually Know the Christ, most certainly it does not. Thus the Warning of the Christ to His disciples, that many false Christ and many false apostles, will be rising, yes at the end of the age, and if it were possible, to which it is not, as they Test The Spirits, even the very elect of God would be Deceived. To now conclude this particular teaching, something is now going to be pointed out concerning what some have come to know as The New Covenant. The New Covenant is actually a Deal that God has made with His people, not everyone mind you, but His people, and it is mentioned in Jeremiah 31, and in Hebrews 8 & 10, it is a New Covenant where God says that He will Write His Law on the Hearts and Minds of His people. Now of course for this Writing of the Law to get performed, for this Covenant to be Entered Into, God will actually use a Pen to do this, and the actual Pen that God uses to Write His Law into the Hearts and Minds of His people, it is actually called the Human Tongue. Psalm 45:1 How many readers are willing to loan God their Pen, so He can get His Law written within them, say written on the Tablet Called Their Heart? Now something to take note of concerning this New Covenant, is the fact that if the Writing of the Law is fulfilled inside of an individual, and or inside a group of individuals, then No One is going to be saying to his neighbor, Know The Lord. "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they Shall All Know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember Their Sin no more. Jeremiah 31:34 There will no more be a reason for messages like this one, as all will Know the Lord, as all Will Be Keeping God's Law. If the Law of God is Written on the Hearts and Minds of His people, then basically they are now all going to Speak the Commandments of God, as From The Heart The Mouth Speaks (Luke 6:45), which will then lead the individual into Keeping the Commandments of God (Joshua 1:8), thus then in reality there will be No Sin within the individual any longer for God to remember. When the New Covenant with God and His people is finally entered into, then the society will be like the society that God always wanted, the kind of society that He has already commanded for His people to create. Deuteronomy 6:7 The truth is, there is Only Way for an individual to actually Keep the Commandments of God, and is for them to actually Preach the Commandments of God (Joshua 1:8), thus using their own Tongue as a Pen getting it all written down, say written down on the Tablet Called Their Heart. But now this Sin that God is to remember no more, do the American Christian preachers today actually teach their flocks what Sin is by Definition? It is true, many American Christian preachers will lead individuals to Repent of Their Sins, but yet after they do this, they never really teach these same individuals What Sin Is, thus bearing witness that they are indeed False Christ and False Apostles. When an indivdual Repents of Their Sins, they are Literally asking God to Forgive Them For Transgressing His Law. "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for Sin Is The Transgression Of The Law. " 1 John 3:4 So why now is it today, that American Christian preachers all over America will help an indivdual ask God to Forgive Them for Transgressing His Law, but yet then the same American Christian preachers then Seem To Never Lead the same indivdual to begin Studying and Professing the Law of God Out of Their Own Mouths? It actually would be thought that the Christian preachers in America today would want to help an individual show God That Their Apology for Transgressing His Law is a Sincere Apology, but yet somehow the Christian preachers in America immediately drop the ball. Do they immediately drop the ball simply out of ignorance of Scriptural Truth, and therefore should not be in the pulpit in the first place, and or are they just Hirelings? Maybe these American Christian preachers are the very individuals mentioned in Matthew 7, and are just Dwelling In Deception, and leading others Into Deception as well, and or maybe they are just Liars as the individuals mentioned in Revelation 2. Since American Christian preachers fail to lead individuals to the Law of God, with Sin being the Transgressing of It, then what do the American Christian preachers actually accomplish with these individuals who may follow them, yes, just as the Christ professed, they will win the convert, have them Repent, but then they will immediately begin afterward, turning these individuals into a twofold more child of hell than themselves. Matthew 23:15 Many individuals today actually do Know of a Christ, have probably witnessed the Power Of, but yet there is really only One Way to actually come to Know the Christ, and anyone who says different is simply a Liar, a liar that is being led by an entirely different father in fact, a father who does have the ability to transform himself into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 Every single Christian preacher in America at this time, needs to have Their Spirit Tested, are they Preaching and Leading their flocks to the Commandments of God after Repentance, thus leading their flocks to Come To Know Him, and or are they thus instead leading them away from Preaching and Keeping the Commandments of God? If these American Christian preachers are not doing the above, Leading individuals in the Study of God's Law, then no doubt they then represent the very individuals who the Christ warned His own disciples about, that these individuals would no doubt be keeping massive amounts of people, not the elect though, in Deception. Deception that in the end, leads the individual to hear those dreaded words from the Christ, I Never Knew You. So be not one of these individuals, ask God now to use Your Own Pen, thus Your Own Tongue, to Write His Law on your Heart and Mind, do this now, and you will indeed then come to really Know Him.
Peace to All