I'm being healed and protected from the moment YHVH Elohim has created me. i'm alive and very well, which is miracle and wonder that i'm yet to begin to understand.
YHVH ELohim with HIS Strong Hand and outstreached Arm, with wonders and miracles has led me out of Mizraim (spirtual egipt, death, darkness, decay, sin, iniquites, transgressions, financial, health and other problems, dark, scary pit, out of hands of wicked, out of hands of enemies, stupidity, worldliness, slavery) and brought me to broad place, keeps me in His Sukkot, in HIS Arms. In YAHashua TheChrist Shalom i gratefully rejoyce all the time. HE parts dangerous waters so i walk on dry land, HE carries me on eagles wings, heals me, provides for me, teaches me. i stand humble and amazed experiencing HIS Lovingkindness and Goodness.
Praise and glorify YHVH Elohim all people, all HIS creation forever. Stand firm in YHVH THE HOLY FATHER, YHVH YAHashua TheChrist, give your life, body, soul and spirit to HIM fully and completely forever.
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