Hi guys, I have something quite profound to show you. I am in a small C-19 patents with Ariyana Love, Michael McDowell and Carrie also. I extracted moderna operating system from my Wife's bloodstream using foot detox pads! I found all the sensors biochips and even hydras all chopped up. I uploaded all my images here, more to add too. its so incredible to find this post vax! https://mega.nz/folder/o0UDAYrD#IMZy7EjEw6koEHASlB7kbA - all images are there and pdf summary also. cheers,
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Thank you Colonel, I have many of the same images on my phone, that I have taken from my body (due to vaccine shedding,) I'll purchase the footpads!
What type of microscope did you use, and how were you able to take pictures?
Please help me. How can I do the same thing?
Thanks again - your photos are getting a lot of mileage!
You might help your wife out by studying Rapamycin and similar antibiotics from natural sources. I ordered up $100 of this.
This hit might be interesting:
A major breakthrough in my thinking transpired over your wife. Various adjustments might be implemented through the Van Allen Belt with harmonic frequencies.
What I mean is any large dosage of spike proteins is fatal. They reproduce in the endothelial cells and exhaust the immune system. As the host cells are attacked and destroyed more spike proteins are released into the bloodstream. Find pages 5-6 of this telling document:
If those rates had continued we would be looking at 60% (rough guess) of the American Military being too sick to report, or dead by now. We also speculate that there are various ingredients by certain lots being more deadly than others. Another example is I have heard of two airline pilots being severely compromised but near misses so far as a fully boarded plane crashing. Since allegedly 100% of these pilots is inoculated, we might be expecting a lot more calamity.
That may not be spike protein count or LEGION load per batch. It may be they are tuning the vaccine so to Deliver the antennae array without killing off the host. Or they are regulating - up and down regulating various factors about the thrombosis and leukocyte productions.
Meaning The Trigger is not just a simple firing mechanism for mass execution. It is still a Delivery System being tweaked so to regulate a thought system and belief set. A whole myriad of factors can be adjusted once the common carrier frequency has established itself in a multitude of transhumans.
You are a very talented photographer! Please let me know if you have trouble breaking your photos out of my folder.
There are volumes in your photos; LEGION is exposed.
The "Moderna Operating System" you so nicely characterize is an evolution of MIT's patented (2010 WIPO 2014 USPTO) Delivery System.
LEGION is an aluminum based synthetic life form that is purposed and programmed to build the hydra like creatures in order to install an antenna array into the host nervous system - in order to build a coherent global quantum superconductive supercomputer - in order to form the Ledger for mining the Quantum Financial System of the Great Reset.
Thank you for the splendid photo album! You have characterized many of the stages in the life of LEGION. Try finding a fully developed fullerene nanotube (4 days) and measure it, best you can. You will find the carrier frequency corresponds to 2.5 mm. Search - "pdb 1a5i" for a clever upregulation tactic. Give the transhumans hemophelia while the graphene hydroxide razors are churning their hearts into hamburger. That plan is in the wings for when the FAUCI FURNACE fails to be hygienic. Messy stuff, the Culling. For now, the county and hospital crematoriums connecting the Grid is a very clever feat of technology.
Sorry to hear about your wife. The toxin extracting footpads sound encouraging. Maybe her immune system can get ahead of the spike proteins and LEGION. Dr Carrie says there is hope. The list of things I suggest is extensive but you might start with horsetail grass:
Exactly what I thought at first glance - alien - not of this earth
Fantastic research and incredible images which when magnified look more like a alien landscape, and is quite apt as this is where the tech originates from.
Extraterrestrial hardware is what we're dealing with here and this is only the physical components as there are also etheric components which we are unable to see.
Really great to see Carrie discussing the ET phenomenon in recent interviews as she is bang on the money. Yes, she will lose some followers but Truth cannot be compromised no matter who it offends.
Once people accept the reality of the ET presence, they will realize that there is nothing they can do at the human level as these Beings are vastly superior technologically speaking. They also happen to be functional psychopaths who delight in human suffering. I'm afraid e are in the throes of an annhilation agenda!
However, there is a Divine hand just waiting to take ours, we have only to reach out and take this hand and we shall receive assistance with All of our problems...
The way we do this is through high level Prayer requests..
This is what I'm talking about...