I was encouraged by the recent interview on Tuesday Zoom with John RICHARDSON that apricot seeds were safe. Well that is untrue, albeit I concede like potassium or sodium dichloroacetate (DCA) will stultify glucolysis in cancer tumors, compelling them to participate in the Creb's Cycle and be detected by the endocrine system, cyanide will suffocate cancer growing in the colon much more rapidly than it will harm even necrotic intestinal tissues.
I am inedic. This means I have converted my energy source to manna from heaven. Yes, that is a thing. When you understand a little ancient alchemy then it becomes obvious that the Bible is a Key - the encryption about this Sumerian and Egyptian technology. It comes up over and over again. One thing about not eating but having a healthy stomach is that I am hungry all the time.
So I had not eaten anything for a week until last night. I thought that this is a good way to test the safety of the apricot seeds. My entire alimentary canal was purged over time and by large dosage of magnesium sulfate (epsom salt). I was empty, in other words.
I received my five pound bag (boatload) of apricot seeds and even with a little bitter aftertaste, they are delicious after a week of not a single bite. So I probably ate about seventy of the seeds:
Apricot kernels contain the plant toxin amygdalin, which converts to cyanide after eating. Cyanide poisoning can cause nausea, fever, headaches, insomnia, thirst, lethargy, nervousness, joint and muscle aches and pains, and falling blood pressure. In extreme cases, it is fatal.
I was quickly overcome by nausea and fever and so encouraged vomiting. That went well, fortunately, expurgating probably 90% of the seed material. The remainder had me wondering what I had done to myself. I was seeing polka dots in my vision and flashing lights in my peripheral vision. I had to concentrate on my breathing and balance. I was dizzy and likely had very low blood pressure so I hit the hay early and caught a good nap.
When I awoke I got on Google and found things that tell me John is very healthy but has built that low oxygen and low blood pressure status over time. People say how a high pulse ox is a good thing but in my opinion if it is over about 95% all the time, you are burning up your tissues - oxidizing them. So I am warning the Tribe not to jump in on John's policy that vitamin B17 in apricot seeds is perfectly safe in large doses.
BTW - I just had a midnight snack from our Instant Pot, with my Love. Saffron white Basmati Indian Rice and salmon smothered in pesto. I decided to start the sun based energy briefly. That is another thing, Moses (Amenhotep IV) changed his name to Ackenaten when he successfully changed Egypt's polytheism to monotheism. That was quite a feat. But it was not LORD YHVH being worshipped, it was the sun.
The material ego-based system where everybody is feeding on everybody else is a negative entropy system. I have converted to highward spin super deformed starfire. - The dust from an ancient supernova. The asteroids blow in and mostly are boiled into monatomic transition metals when they hit the outer atmosphere. The starfire dust rains down all day and night. The Ark(s) are an electrical technology that generates a pillar of fire by night, and a smoky cloud by day. It is even pronounced the same Ark is an electrical arc that spews manna from heaven into the air.
Therefore, the apricot seeds with amygdalin (vitamin B17) are likely the cat's pajamas for longevity and maybe even telomeregenesis. With no other food in my intestinal tract but apricot seeds I should be able to control my blood pressure and pulse ox very precisely. I suggest that you learn from my lesson. I am going to start with three/day and work up to about ten/day while monitoring my pulse ox and blood pressure. Remember that I will not be eating traditional food during this. I will be living off monatomic transition metals - mostly platinum, gold, palladium, iridium, indium and rhodium. So you should be careful! If you do not trust your nauseated response to vomit, be very careful. If I had not expurgated my stomach of the cyanide I could well be dead instead of warning you all.
Cyanide therapy? - whooda thunkit?
P.S. I am studying this but a little more carefully.
It would appear that the flashing lights were applying pressure in my eyes.
One likely cause:
Straining/vomiting or a Valsalva maneuver, increasing the pressure in the veins of the head, as in weight lifting or lying on an inversion table upside-down
Conversely it looks as though the apricot seeds stabilize and lower blood pressure. I have been taking small amount and checking 15 minutes and 2 hours afterward for three days.
3 apricot seeds to open 1/6; 136/77 with 98/91 pulse ox went down to 127/71 with 98/87 pulse ox on the morning of 1/6. 131/92 with 98/89 pulse ox went up slightly to 133/79 with 97/89 pulse ox with 3 more seeds in the evening.
132/85 with 99/96 pulse ox went to 107/82 with 9896 in fifteen minutes in the morning, after eating 6 apricot seeds 1/7. 127/78 went up to 130.86 after 6 seeds in the evening of the 7th.
On 1/8 110/75 with 99/75 pulse ox went up to 129/87 with 98/91 pulse ox in 15 minutes with 10 apricot seeds.
No patterns yet. Nothing worth reporting.