It is super intense! I shared this at the Tuesday night meeting. There was a truck loading card board boxes marked biohazard. They contained dead babies. Mutalated. there is a video and action items to call and get the investigation going on this. I need to share. But truly, it's very hard but like Dr Madej says, it's happening and we need to bring Light to expose the darkness and then to stop and heal it. God Bless.
That is not part of the video - the destination manifest. My presumption is that by the abortion thefts, the cadavers are being delivered to the coal furnaces at various power plants?
My point being that by making the massive amount of late term abortions about abortion, one is missing the broader scope of The Culling going down. And it is too late to help those who have rolled up their sleeves for inoculation.
That is not exactly what most people, including the producers think it is.
Do you see how misshapen those children are? The Pfizer Safety Protocol Phase I-II-III excluded women of childbearing potential - WOCBP. All the mothers are dying too. I was presuming the FAUCI FURNACE operates in the hospital and county crematoriums and suppose that many of those are geared to feed the caloric energy back into the grid. Now I imagine that there are trucks delivering from the hospitals and overrun funeral parlors, to the power plants as well.
Thank you for sharing.
See Page 39 of the Protocols:
No problem focusing on abortion. If that is where your heart is. The NAV (nucleic acid vaccine) is a lethal injection. If the mothers are leaving the abortion clinics alive it is only because the babies are detected monstrous in time for the mothers to go home and die soon enough.