Praise, glorify and obey YHVH YAHashua The Christ our only Ruler, our only Owner, KING of kings. halleluYAH. Learn and obey His Commandments (4th remember Shabbath), His (not pagan) Holidays/Appointed times when He especially awaits us to show up as instructed, His whole Law in Holy Bible-His Word. Know, bar for obedience is raised after His Resurrection, after He has given us Holy Spirit . So for example we read iin New Testament not tooth for tooth but forgive those who cause you harm, fornication is also looking with lust at women that is not His wife (more responsibility on us women how we dress, behave not to make brothers to stumble).
research parasites and wormwood
Do not eat any pig products, they are infested with parasites, forbidden in HolyBible (listed twice along with mice, now research how pig's DNA has been mixed with mice... ). Pig loves to devour everything and anything at least once. They are even instances that they attack and eat farmers to the point that autopsy is impossible. .
Eat homemade food not "ready" to eat from store. Follow dietary instructions from HolyBible- i.e. eat only fruit with seed (i.e. no seedless grapes)
If you have pets consider/look into not feeding them pet food, but normal food. Just think, check it out what that"pet food "contains, is that even food? Research yourself and also if there is connection between parasites in pets and "pet food"
By the way Im not a doctor nor a veterinarian.
with love to you, BarBara