We need to share the long term end game, like puzzle pieces, with every one we know and every one we meet, and not get stuck on just one aspect or agenda for too long.
There are so many moving parts, it is impossible to keep our eyes on each one all of the time, but we can take note of each tactic and method and tie them all together to form the big picture end game: a one world cashless system, with technocracy and smart grid control over every aspect of our lives.
One solution that we can start right now is to plan and organize small local communities of like minded, independent, self sufficient people, willing to join together and live off grid and in a self sustaining environment when the time comes.
I am connecting with true and serious born again Christian followers of Christ Jesus as we live for Jesus and fulfilling the great commission to share His Gospel to everyone, and await His return to receive us, and then Jesus will destroy and defeat our only real enemy: Satan, and Jesus will finally take back His planet from Satan and all the evil that we are experiencing in our world today and in the future, will finally come to an end, as it is written in the Bible.
May that day come soon.
Until that Day comes, we must encourage each other, pray without ceasing, read our bible and share the gospel of Christ Jesus with our words and our actions, for the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.
Let us work harder today as the Day of the Lord approaches.
In the mighty and beautiful name of our Lord God, King and Saviour; Christ Jesus, we pray:
Amen, hallelujah, peace, and Maranatha.