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Beyond the Con

Registration Is Now Open: What makes Beyond The Con! so unique? Proceeds go to fund health education, grand jury petitions, helping children heal from gene modification injuries & more!

AND!!! All Paid Registrants & VIPs get to interact with our expert panel during Q&As following EVERY presentation! May 12th to May 14th in Live Oak California at the Church of Glad Tidings & Online around the world… Dr. David Martin, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Carrie Madej, Kevin Jenkins, Tom Renz, Nichola Burnett, John Hewlett, Dr. Henry Ealy & More! We’re not here to rehash what we already know about the sickness & slavery of the last 2 years…We’re here to share how we can move beyond the BS and into health & freedom for all. Video 2 - Beyond The Con! - How Nutritionally Deficient Are We? The bioweapon exposed what the real root cause of disease is…Severe nutrient deficiencies that the CDC has known about for years.

Register at: and learn what you can do to eliminate disease from your life. Is There Support For Vitamin D? It’s clear from peer-reviewed studies around the world that 50 ng/ml is the magic number for rapid recovery. Why was this crucial information censored and suppressed?

Register at: and learn how being healthy and living free are synonymous. Is There Support For Vitamin C? It’s February 2020 and 50 out of 50 moderate to severe hospitalized patients recovered faster than patients not using Vitamin C. Imagine if the world had known.

Register at: and learn what else you aren’t being told. Is There Support For Other Natural Medicines? From Glutathione to the Microbiome and the Microbiome to the Mycorrhizae…There’s so much out there to be excited about.

Register at: and wave bye-bye to fear so you can say hello to hope. Are The Gene Modification Shots Still In Clinical Trial? Harmaceutical companies can’t be sued…or can they? Prove willful misconduct, and the flood gates for lawsuits will open wide. Being told products are FDA approved when they’re still in clinical trial constitutes one of the many acts of willful misconduct.

Register at: and learn how brave Americans Dr. David Martin, Tom Renz, and Dr. Henry Ealy are pursuing justice for all. How Many People Have Been Injured? At least 1.2 million people have been hurt and well over 150,000 have needed to be hospitalized…Good thing the body is designed to heal at the cellular level.

Register at: and learn how your body is designed to heal…and what it takes too. How Many 'Fully Va**inated' People Still Got Sick? From November ’21 to February ’22, at least 9 million ‘fully va**inated’ Americans still contracted the bio-weapon virus…And that was with only half of the state health departments reporting in. So much for efficacy.

Register at: and learn about solutions that are super safe and really, really effective too. Is This A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated or the Unhealthy? There are liars, damn liars…and then there’s the CDC. A lie told millions of times is still a lie. Gene modification doesn’t prevent infection but does injure and it does nothing to address the real problem. The vast majority of Americans are unhealthy.

Register at: and learn the truth that liars don’t want you to know.

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